做office裝修後清潔,清潔完啲櫃桶入邊都係啲木碎沙好似冇清潔過咁啲膠紙漬有留返晒喺度之後問客戶服務佢仲同我講啲膠紙即係唔包要另外俾錢咁你做咩裝修後清潔啊? 最慘啲膠紙漬我用濕紙巾,一抹就抹得走,我都唔撚知佢哋有冇清潔過😃
所謂專業清潔,其實只係用普通地拖, 濕布。我哋自己工人姐姐都睇唔過眼,要重新再抹。全部話做唔到的地方,如省洗手盆,抹地下上手租客留下係地下或傢俬既印,小小過碳酸鈉都可以做得更加好。枱面有垃圾,地下有地氈,佢哋只係會圍住用濕布清潔。全部野都話抹過抹唔走,但我工人姐姐一個人重新抹都做得到。服務同能力完全對唔住佢哋所收嘅價錢。 The so-called "Professional service" is technically only a piece of wet cloth, a mop, and water. Everything is either not included, has an extra charge, or is not part of their services. My own domestic helper was able to do a better job alone than their team of 3 people. When there's a piece of trash or a small carpet on the floor, they will only mop and dust around it without even lifting it up. There's no thoroughness to any part of their cleaning. The glasses they clean were full of watermarks, some of the rooms they missed out, top shelves are not cleaned. Stains and marks on the floor and fixtures that they said could not be removed, were easily taken out with a some cleaning solutions. You'd be better off hiring a few domestic part-time helpers than engaging with this company.
Paid a fortune for the “after renovation cleaning service” before moving in new place - an old building. Very friendly and nice cleaning team, but they do not know how to clean. (They told me in person they do not how to clean the mold in washing machine. I had to search on YouTube and clean myself at the end.) This photo was taken after they finished their cleaning and left. 試了他們的裝修後清潔服務-價值不菲。非常友善的清潔團隊,但是他們不懂清潔。他們面對面告訴我,他們不懂怎樣清潔洗衣機發霉的膠邊。我最後要在網上搜尋影片,再自己清潔。這相片是在他們完成清潔離開後拍攝的。