Novita Lab Grown Diamond 香港 Hong Kong

5 (152)


星期一: 10:00 – 20:00
星期二: 10:00 – 20:00
星期三: 10:00 – 20:00
星期四: 10:00 – 20:00
星期五: 10:00 – 20:00
星期六: 10:00 – 18:00
星期日: 休館
Unit 703, 7/F, Oriental Centre, 67-71 Chatham Rd S, Tsim Sha Tsui, 香港
2703 6330
lab-grown diamonds


S Yu
2024-05-22 07:09:59

確定預約後,Carter 喺預約時間前先打電話畀我確認,已經令我覺得 Novita 處事專業,程序清晰。我同另一半到達後得到 Carter 友善款待,以易於理解嘅方式講解天然同培育鑽石嘅分別,見我心大心細依然不厭其煩咁畀咗唔少戒指托同鑽石畀我哋參考,期間好尊重我哋嘅意見。決定後,Carter 更即時幫手完成網上訂購程序,訂單清楚列明所有資料,付款方便。我另一半後來話當日學咗唔少知識,亦好容易記起衡量鑽石質素嘅基本要素。謝謝 Carter 提供專業有禮嘅服務,亦感謝 Novita 成就我哋嘅 ideal engagement ring。 Shortly after the appointment was confirmed, Carter called to double check that we would be available for our appointment. He greeted us warmly and explained key information on mined and lab grown diamonds in a clear manner, and gave us pointers on how we can balance the 4Cs to find the stone for us. Although I was initially indecisive, Carter was patient throughout and gave us the space we needed to decide on the stones and setting to create the ring we envisioned. Carter even assisted us in setting up the online order, and payment was smooth and easy. Thank you, Carter, for your stellar service, and thanks to Novita for helping us make our dream ring a reality.

Yvonne Cheng
2024-04-27 13:52:27

上星期同朋友一齊睇鑽石,本身唔係好識揀鑽石嘅我哋係職員嘅細心介紹之下都一人買咗一隻☺️ 好靚~ 返工同事都話好睇!

Leviathan ho
2024-04-10 07:53:28

店員服務態度很好很熱情,很有禮貌而且很有耐心因爲我又冇咩認識唔知道結婚最好買咩戒指用黎結婚,店員慢慢甘向我介紹應該買邊隻用黎結婚係最好解決左我既需要 而且買完之後比左唔少既祝福比我感覺我去到e間鋪頭真係太好啦!!

Ko Ok
2024-03-21 04:50:54


C Connie
2024-03-20 14:59:33

經過多番比較,Novita Lab性價比最高👍🏻店員專業,好有耐性解答問題,十分推薦! 今日仲買左人生第一隻鑽石戒指,好開心😄

Unit 703, 7/F, Oriental Centre, 67-71 Chatham Rd S, Tsim Sha Tsui, 香港
2703 6330